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The following is the run order for 2023-
Blue Red
Class 4 Class 3
Class 1 Class 2
Temps Class 99
New C99
This class run order will be the same for both the first and second
run of all races.
Classes will switch courses for the second run, BLUE to RED, RED to BLUE.
Within classes, the order of individual racers will be reversed for the second run.
With a steady running order we should be able to manage our races better.
Please line up at the start 5-
We will be using new Bibs and new numbers for 2013-
Course inspection is from the side only, ALWAYS! You can ski in and out from the side of the course only. This means NO side slipping or snowplowing in the course. Chief of Course may allow designated persons to slip for course maintenance only.
MMSCSR Time Recording Guidelines….
RACER DQs: Record any time you have for a DQed racer and label the run DQ. Note any witnesses.
IF NO TIME: Try to notify the racer. Tell the starter which is especially important for the last classes so the course does not get pulled. If racer does not DQ self, tell racer take a rerun and report the circumstances to Al Lemke, Chief of Course, or Jan Vojta, Rules Advisor, afterward. Inform Al or Jan.
RACER DOES NOT FINISH: Record the racer as a DNF. If the racer requests a rerun tell the racer to take a rerun. Instruct the racer to report the circumstances to Al Lemke or Jan Vojta after the rerun. Inform Al or Jan.
POSTED TIMES: Leave posted times up until removed by Al Lemke. They will be kept as a backup.
END OF RACE: The racers must be able to see their results to verify times, know of DQs, and know that no reruns are necessary. Only then direct the starter to tell people to pull the course.
TIMER TURN OFF: Only Jim Lousier should turn off the timer. He may have to scroll back to see a racer's time.
If you have a GMRS radio, bring it to races. Let's improve communication on the hill.
Set to 7:11