WELCOME to Metropolitan Milwaukee Sr. Alpine Ski Racing 2024-
All Races resultsare now posted and Season Final World Cup points
MMSC Race Results with handicaps and Season SL/GS average HCP
2025 MMSC Sr. Race BANQUET, Save the Date May 3, 3:30p at HH
MMSC Live-
SCHEDULE for the 2024-
Your NEW CLASS assignments for this season are here..Click here
Click here to fill out and email your Waiver for 2024-
Now complete your HELP Form for 2024-
New and PROSPECTIVE racers, Click here for info
See and print the 2018 Race Promotion Flyer.... Click.
If you're one who kept your race bib, PLEASEreturn your Race Bib if you do not intend to race next season or $25 if you want to keep or have lost it. They now will cost others $32 each to replace. Return your bib with a current racer OR mail your bib, cash or check to MMSC Senior Alpine Racing c/o Al Lemke 2993 S Wentworth Ave Milwaukee WI 53207. If you are an ex racer and want to be removed from the mailing list let me know.
New and PROSPECTIVE racers, Click here for info
See and print the 2018 Race Promotion Flyer.... Click.
If you raced as TEMP or I NDEPENDENT racer last season, you need to join a MMSC club to race for more than 2 race dates in 2023-
Click here to find out more about our clubs.
We will use the bibs from last season for the 2024-
Wolfgang Dorner donated the funds for these race bibs.
You are responsible for bringing your bib to each race and you will need to wear it to race.
If you lost it or cannot find it, the cost to replace it is $25 before you can race again.
Please check here for the latest information and watch for emails or phone calls from your club chairperson or AL.
If you have ideas or requests on what you would like to see here, please send them to..
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Contact: info@mmscsr.com