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    MMSC  Senior Racing


Click here to view the 2024-25 Race Schedule in .pdf format

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       MMSC Sr. Race Schedule 2024-2025

Day  Date    Time  Event  RaceID  Location

 Sun   Jan 5     10:30    GS/GS     A,B           Sunburst

Sat*   Jan 11     10:30    SL/GS      CMSC*      Sunburst

 Sun   Jan 12   10:30    SL/SL       C,D          Sunburst

 Sun   Jan 19    10:30     SL/SL       E,F           Sunburst

 Sat    Jan 25   10:00    GS/GS     G,H           HolyHill

 Sat    Feb 1     10:00    SL/SL       I,J             HolyHill

 Sat    Feb 8     10:30    GS/GS     K,L           Sunburst

 Sun   Feb 16   10:30    SL/GS      M,N          Sunburst

No Make-up Dates

*CMSC run race not counting in our season standing

Sunburst races start at 10:30am, HH 10:00 and Switz 9:00

Practice schedule for the 24/25 season at Sunburst:

Wednesday 6:30 - 8:30pm lane 2

Thursday     6:30 - 8:30pm lane 2

Monday       4:00 - 6:00pm lane 1

For Lane 1, there is a chance that it would be south of chair 2, at this exact time we are keeping lane 1 north of chair 1. If snow depths do not permit, we will place lane 1 south of chair 2.  Please be aware that lane spaces may need to be shared if multiple teams want the same make up time.  You may be able to communicate with other teams to see if sharing a lane would be a possibility if needed.

Always watch for email info and updates for starting time, date changes, or any cancellations of races and practices. The only change to events would be if it was necessary to attempt to equalize the number of SL and GS events due to cancelations.

We may not be able to practice during the holiday period.

If you have a doubt about a practice occurring, check your email first where I will try to post late practice changes or cancellations by 5:00 pm.

If you have raced as an Independent racer, you will need to join one of our member clubs in subsequent seasons to race more than 2 race dates as a Temporary racer and be eligible for race day and season standing awards.
