Please select the race result you wish to view
from the list in the column at left.
New Racers are listed in Class 1 on the results page with an N.
Those racers will be assigned to the appropriate class 1-
If they would have placed in the top 3 of their new class on a previous race, they will be recognized at the next race and receive that award. Racers in classes where new racers were wrongly placed often didn't receive proper recognition or their award. This procedure should correct that.
TEMP racer’s results are also listed in Class 1.
A bump will only occur after a current season result for GS AND SL Hcp Average is obtained and is lower than the bump trigger .
You will notice at the beginning of some classes on the published race results there are SL/GS Bump causing handicaps.
Once we have completed at least one GS and one SL, the published race results will show the average of your best GS and best SL handicap in the right column. More…